Team Name: Last Minute Luchadores
Team Members: El Sandbago and the Deadline Bomber
Combined Weight: 250 lbs
Years of Partnership: NOBODY KNOWS
Team Wrestling Style: Luchadores
Team’s Alignment: Lovable, late faces
Team’s Favorite Weapon: The clock
Team’s Favorite Match Type: No time limit
Team’s Gimmick: Luchadores who, despite their quick in ring style, always arrive fashionably late
Team’s Entrance Music: "Tiempo" by Jarabe de Palo
Tag Team Entrance Description:
*"Tiempo" hits...and LML are nowhere to be seen! The ref begins to count them out...1...2....3...4...5....6...7...8...9...
And they sprint to the ring and slide in just in the nick of time! Let's fight!*
In-Ring Appearance : Luchadore outfits and masks for varying color
Outside of the Ring Appearance: The same, obviously.
Team Moves: (Must have a minimum of three)
1. Hurricanrana into flipping senton
2. Tornado DDT into standing moonsault pin
3. Gory Bomb into top rope guillotine legdrop
Team Finisher(s):
Primary Finisher - Right on Time
Description - Double Juvi Driver off the top
Wrestling Strengths: (List three)
1. Speed
2. Trained by the famous luchadore Speedy Morales
3. Dazzling impact moves
Wrestling Weaknesses: (List Three)
1. Impactful moves can miss
2. They're both kinda small
3. What if they trip during their entrance?
Tag Team Achievements:
14 time Mexican Tag Team Champions